Recap of Recent Events
The biggest event in January was the WRYMC in San Francisco. YMF sent 4 representatives to the event and we had a great time there, like always.
“Hell ya, of course we have tech tours in Utah”, our President-elect, Faramarz, did a fantastic presentation during the YMC Business Meeting. I want to express my sincere thanks to Faramarz, all my Board Members, YMF previous Board Members, and Region 8, Section, Branch leaders for supporting us on MRLC/WRYMC 2022, with all your help we successfully brought the conference to Utah in 2022!!! Please visit our website for the promotion video.
For the first time ever, we provided a great social opportunity to everyone from Southern Idaho to Utah, including all leaders, Student members, and their families!! We used to do a small group dinner during the WRYMC but this time, with the help of Region 8 Governor, Matt Roblez, we made it a huge social event for everyone. After all positive comments, we decided to do it every year. With great honor, current ASCE National President, Guna, and President-elect, Jean-Louis, joined our dinner. And most importantly, big, big thanks to McNeil Engineering for the sponsorship.
Our representatives attended the Banquet as well, great food, great people, we really enjoy this, looking forward to hosting it in Salt Lake.
Earlier this month, we went to the University of Utah and attended the resume workshop. We are so glad that we can help Civil Engineering students on their resumes. Special thanks to Matt Moriarty and Katherine Colburn from ASCE Utah Section. And we appreciate University of Utah Student Chapter to put together this event.
In the end of January, we did a social event at Quarters Arcade Games Bar. Thanks for joining us!!
In January, we also had the 2020 Spring PE Review Course hosting location set up, which will be in UDOT Region 2 Hurley Conference Room. Our registration is open, and the completed class schedule will be available soon. Register our Spring 2020 PE Review Course before Feb. 15th and get early-bird special rate!! Here is the link:
February Events:
The PE Review Course Kickoff meeting is scheduled on Feb. 20th and the first class starts from Tuesday, Feb. 25th. We are looking forward to helping you prepare the April PE Exam!!
The National Engineering Week will be in the week of Feb. 16th. YMF will join Wasatch Front Branch to do two volunteering events in Escalante Elementary School on Tuesday, February 18th from 10:15 to 11:30, and Parkview Elementary School on Friday, February 21st from 10 to 11:30. Contact WFB or email us for the registration. WFB: Dimond Zollinger, YMF:
YMF is also planning a night skiing event in February as our social. The detailed information will be out soon. Please visit our website: for future events!
Lingkun Li
ASCE Utah YMF, President